Category: Uncategorized
Cora had a lovely home she and her husband purchased in 1970. It was perfect for raising their three daughters with great neighbors and a…
There seems to be a human tendency that when we have space, we fill it. Very often a garage, workshop, sewing room, or other space that becomes…
Making decisions about what to do with a lifetime’s worth of possessions is a task everyone (or their family) will have to deal with at some…
As you begin to consider relocating to a new home, so many possibilities, opportunities and adventures come to mind. You are looking forward to…
Relocating to a smaller home means letting go of possessions—you simply will not have the space. Items like an old lawn mower or 20-year-old tax…
Your home not only meets basic needs but also is your unique space and refuge from the ever-changing world. However, there are points in life when…
Losing your parents is a rite of passage and fact of life. Yet knowing this doesn’t soften the emotional blow no matter what your age. John (not…
We’ve had many wonderful clients over the years but Don and Anna (not their real names) really worked their way into our hearts.
During his…
Financial wealth probably comes to mind first when thinking about your legacy but consider all your physical possessions—some valuable, some…
Once you’ve decided on those must-have items to take to your new, smaller home, the next step is to empty your current home of the remaining items.…